Bishop McDonald Parker

McDonald was called into ministry at an early age working in various areas of ministry within the church.  His first appointment to the pastorate was under the tutelage of Bishop James Williams as an associate pastor for  about three years and later serving with Pastor Andrew Stone for another seven years.  

He is known to give credence to stalwarts like Bishop James Williams, Bishop Arthur Gardiner (both deceased)  and Elder Dewey Missick. These men have been a great influence in his life and ministry. McDonald accepted Jesus as his personal Saviour and dedicated his life to God at the age of 16years, baptised and  received the right hand of fellowship on May 24, 1981. His passion is to serve and doing it with excellence he truly  serves God by serving others, whether it is in church or within the community. 

His dedication to improve his knowledge in his secular life, McDonald has sought to gain more knowledge of God  in how to serve Him and His church better. Through various ministerial studies, seminars, workshops and courses.  He is not alone in this journey but blessed by God with a beautiful and godly companion, Mauricia Parker who  encourages, supports him wholeheartedly. They have been married 34 years and blessed with two daughters and  one son, one son-in-law and two granddaughters.  

Since entering the ministry over thirty years ago, McDonald has been ordained as a licensed minister, a Bishop and  currently serves as the Senior Pastor of the Lower Bight congregation.