Pastor Jane Missick

Jane Estherminta Missick nee Hall was born to Essie Arthur and the late Samuel Hall on January 20,  1957, in the quaint settlement of Kew, North Caicos. Oleta, as she is affectionately called, was formally  educated at the Kew Primary School (now known as C. H. James Primary School) while under the  tutorship of Mr. Charles H. James and Mr. Glennevan Clarke. 

From an early age she understood the importance of having a relationship with Christ so she accepted  the Lord as her personal saviour in 1973 and was soon after baptized by the late Bishop I. J. Wynns of  the Church of God of Prophecy, Kew. She joined the same church and immediately sought out  opportunities to serve: she was the assistant VLB leader, assistant CPMA leader and secretary. Not only  did she diligently serve her church, she was also active in the local community where she worked as a  teacher, post mistress on a part time basis, caretaker and caregiver. Even though the roles she assumed  outside the church were rewarding, she always had a strong desire to focus solely on her fellowship with  God. Her career ambition has always been to do the work of the Lord. 

Pastor Oleta was appointed Associate Pastor of the Church of God of Prophecy, Kew in 2006 and  completed a Foundations course in 2007. She continued to mature in her relationship with God and was  ordained as a reverend on December 4, 2010. She completed courses at the Center for Biblical  Leadership School of Practical and Advanced Studies in 2009 and 2010 under the leadership of Bishop  Clarence N. Williams. In 2012 she was appointed as Senior Pastor of the Church of God of Prophecy,  Kew.  

Pastor Oleta is kind and nurturing, and always embraces opportunities to lend a helping hand. She is  reserved, but always knows exactly when to speak up. Her humble beginnings have awarded her with  many opportunities to learn about people and life. And through it all, she has come to the realization that  GOD’s love always prevails. Pastor Oleta’s life is a living testament of the goodness of GOD. And as she  continues on this remarkable journey, with God’s direction, the accompaniment of His Son Jesus Christ  and the covering of the Holy Ghost, she forever remains His humble servant.