“Upon this Rock I build my Church and the Gates of hell shall not prevail against it”
On April 20th 2003 Bishop Clarence N. Williams appointed Pastor Hoplyn Parker now Bishop Parker as Pastor for the Church of God of Prophecy in the Bight District.
Many at this time were baffled since there was no building in sight. We were like Abraham venturing into the unknown. But we took solace in reminding ourselves that promotion comes from God, and who are we to question his commission even in bleak situations. Our faith and not our sight were then put to test.
The first task was the clearing of the property for the purpose of hosting open–air revivals and street meetings. There were a number of successful revivals, and as a result many souls were blessed and commit themselves to this great work..
Through much fasting and praying, Bishop Parker decided to purchase a tent with which to host regular worship service especially during inclement weather conditions.... This however, was not successful. A full payment of Two Thousand four Hundred and forty ($2140.00) was made to an American Company in Florida in order to secure the tent which was considered a great asset for the Pastor and its members. Unfortunately all attempts fail. When the time came to collect the tent it was discovered that the company had either re–located or went into liquidation. To this day the money was never recovered. This however did not daunt our Pastor‘s enthusiasm and his faith. He continued to encourage all the members not to grow weary, but to pray and remain determined to hold out to the end. The words of the song “I am determined to hold out to the end” brought encouragement during the time when the situation seemed to be at its worst.
Still very optimistic, Bishop Parker came up with another brilliant idea that is to rent a vacant house here in the Bight that look suitable for a Church.. He contacted the owner of the house and an agreement was made. An amount of Twelve Hundred Dollar $(1200.00) was deposited on the house. Bishop Parker, now having his hopes very high that things were finally getting on the way was yet to experience another set back. Much to his surprise, a few days later he received a telephone call from the Land– Lord informing him that he would not be able to rent him the house for a Church as agreed to because someone else wants to rent the same house for a Bar. Bishop Parker was taken aback, but smiled through his disappointment and said, “The Lord knows the way through the wilderness all I have to do is follow.”
With renewed courage and positive faith, Bishop Parker decided to take the twelve hundred dollars and invest it in blocks and cement for the construction of the edifice in the Bight.